February 26, 2011

Heat Analysis 2-26

Filed under: Uncategorized — wwinston @ 4:56 pm

Crow asked for some analysis of the Miami Heat. Here are adjusted +/- numbers per 48 minutes for each combo of Big 3 in (Through 2-24).

  rating min
None of Big 3 -36 112
James Bosh Wade 18 1304
James Bosh -1 180
James Wade -7 223
Wade Bosh 4 383
James 10 434
Bosh  -2 71
Wade -12 95

Thus with only James in Heat are 10 points better than average

Here are how each pair of Heat players in does together (first table), one in one out ( row player in column player out, 2nd table) and both out (third table).

    Both in
8.00066829 James Bosh Wade Chalmers Arroyo Miller House Dampier Anthony Jones Howard Haslem
James 12.11 15.66 14.26 10.92 11.11 8.62 9.42 13.84 9.10 12.83 6.08 10.92
Bosh 15.66 12.70 14.72 10.65 11.82 6.33 8.29 14.25 9.31 10.25 6.66 17.98
Wade 14.26 14.72 11.19 11.85 11.04 7.50 6.43 15.95 7.67 7.08 -9.11 9.07
Chalmers 10.92 10.65 11.85 6.17 -86.57 -3.00 -8.13 11.33 3.26 4.21 1.37 -17.28
Arroyo 11.11 11.82 11.04 -86.57 5.83 -39.23 -40.61 -14.24 -0.79 -7.74 -23.70 -7.43
Miller 8.62 6.33 7.50 -3.00 -39.23 2.67 10.26 -4.15 2.30 4.84 -17.45 dnp
House 9.42 8.29 6.43 -8.13 -40.61 10.26 2.08 -12.21 9.98 3.36 -9.94 -0.32
Dampier 13.84 14.25 15.95 11.33 -14.24 -4.15 -12.21 8.07 17.14 7.73 -4.44 dnp
Anthony 9.10 9.31 7.67 3.26 -0.79 2.30 9.98 17.14 4.98 -0.24 -8.03 -4.63
Jones 12.83 10.25 7.08 4.21 -7.74 4.84 3.36 7.73 -0.24 5.97 -0.47 11.08
Howard 6.08 6.66 -9.11 1.37 -23.70 -17.45 -9.94 -4.44 -8.03 -0.47 -4.05 29.28
Haslem 10.92 17.98 9.07 -17.28 -7.43 dnp -0.32 dnp -4.63 11.08 29.28 4.82
8.00066829 James Bosh Wade Chalmers Arroyo Miller House Dampier Anthony Jones Howard Haslem
James dnp 4.07 6.76 12.78 12.78 12.53 12.80 11.83 13.83 11.75 13.04 12.25
Bosh 3.01 dnp -0.91 13.87 13.35 13.39 13.71 12.39 14.37 13.71 12.82 12.25
Wade 1.40 -7.56 dnp 10.80 11.29 11.56 12.19 10.30 13.23 12.68 12.98 11.41
Chalmers -3.39 -0.75 -3.62 dnp 7.29 8.18 9.40 4.30 8.71 7.96 7.51 7.20
Arroyo -30.67 -24.22 -17.43 7.14 dnp 7.29 8.97 8.16 8.69 9.56 9.92 6.82
Miller -4.47 -0.34 -1.08 8.23 6.00 dnp -3.66 4.82 3.24 1.38 7.15 2.67
House -7.63 -3.50 -1.50 6.04 5.89 -0.66 dnp 4.33 -5.30 0.73 5.15 3.00
Dampier -2.04 -4.86 -8.40 1.66 14.40 11.45 13.91 dnp 8.06 8.33 12.18 8.07
Anthony -4.82 -0.98 -0.39 6.64 7.12 5.79 2.46 4.98 dnp 9.31 8.22 5.47
Jones -4.75 1.89 5.01 7.57 9.05 6.14 7.31 5.59 10.68 dnp 7.82 4.51
Howard -22.89 -5.10 -1.10 -11.44 3.37 -1.20 -0.81 -3.91 -0.07 -9.21 dnp -4.91
Haslem -7.71 -5.40 -0.26 8.50 7.87 4.82 13.07 4.82 6.56 -13.93 4.01 dnp
Both Out
8.00066829 James Bosh Wade Chalmers Arroyo Miller House Dampier Anthony Jones Howard Haslem
James -5.28 -23.44 -22.67 -7.93 0.68 -5.61 -2.92 -6.40 -5.72 -6.44 0.07 -4.78
Bosh -23.44 -2.53 0.40 -4.55 2.59 -3.34 -1.67 -2.04 -4.35 -12.40 -0.30 -1.70
Wade -22.67 0.40 -0.01 4.16 5.14 0.44 1.66 1.95 0.31 -18.73 0.57 0.05
Chalmers -7.93 -4.55 4.16 9.30 12.54 9.47 10.98 10.12 10.71 10.33 11.97 9.48
Arroyo 0.68 2.59 5.14 12.54 9.19 10.08 11.31 7.88 10.87 9.35 10.44 9.43
Miller -5.61 -3.34 0.44 9.47 10.08 8.95 12.02 8.50 10.72 11.01 10.78 9.65
House -2.92 -1.67 1.66 10.98 11.31 12.02 10.24 9.44 14.66 12.03 12.04 10.04
Dampier -6.40 -2.04 1.95 10.12 7.88 8.50 9.44 7.99 10.70 9.66 9.91 8.54
Anthony -5.72 -4.35 0.31 10.71 10.87 10.72 14.66 10.70 9.97 9.52 11.47 10.68
Jones -6.44 -12.40 -18.73 10.33 9.35 11.01 12.03 9.66 9.52 9.45 11.76 10.74
Howard 0.07 -0.30 0.57 11.97 10.44 10.78 12.04 9.91 11.47 11.76 10.25 11.28
Haslem -4.78 -1.70 0.05 9.48 9.43 9.65 10.04 8.54 10.68 10.74 11.28 8.45


  1. good stuff wayne.. as always

    Comment by john — February 27, 2011 @ 12:21 am

  2. Thanks very much Wayne.

    I will work thru the data.

    Comment by Crow — February 27, 2011 @ 4:48 pm

  3. Adjusted +/- pair data supports a change from Arroyo if he was playing with bench players. Chalmers has done better with that.

    Can’t compare Dampier to big Z but looks fine with the starters.

    Several rotations risk replacement this summer, maybe Miller and House most of all.

    Comment by Crow — March 1, 2011 @ 6:32 pm

  4. I didn’t really follow why Arroyo stopped starting. That seemed to work for awhile. But they’ve moved on, hoping with Bibby will be better.

    Comment by Crow — March 2, 2011 @ 7:33 pm

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